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 twInquire( InMsg, Header, Var2Read, wT, wL, wSType,;
            wFType, cPicture )
     This function is used to obtain user input to a variable.

     It displays a string or an array of strings in a window then
     performs a GET to the variable, 'Var2Read'. Various exit methods
     are allowed.  The colour is defined in twMsgInit() and the shadow
     and frame types default to those of the currently active window.


     InMsg  - 'C' String to be displayed. The string can be any length.
                  It is truncated to fit inside the display window.

            - 'A' Array of strings to be used for messages.  The window
                  is fitted to the maximum length.

     Header - 'C' String to use for the title. In this version, the
                  title is centered on the top line of the window.

     Var2Read - 'C' Variable name to which to provide input.

     Wait   - 'N'  0 - Wait for a key press then restore the underlying

                   -1 - Leave the message on the screen and free the
                        stack allocation space.

                   -2 - Leave the message on the screen but keep it on
                        the stack to be released later with twMsgEnd().

                    n - Wait 'n' seconds or until a key is pressed,
                        then restore the underlying screen.

                   Wait defaults to 0.

     wT, wL - 'N' Screen Coordinates of top,left corner of the display
                  area. The defaults are to center the window on the

     wSType  - 'N' TSDWIN shadow type. Defaults to the shadow type for
                  the currently active window.

     wFType  - 'N' TSDWIN frame type. Defaults to the frame type for the
                  currently active window.


     The value of the edited GET.


     Var2 := SPACE( 20 )
     Var2 := twInquire( "Trying out an Inquire Message:", ;
                       "Trying", Var2 )

See Also: twMsgInit()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson